Friday, October 25, 2013

WOW Final Celebration: Visit from the Chief

Thursday, October 17th was our final day of the WOW Conference in Sekgopo Village.  It was a day filled with praises being lifted high and of course it wouldn't be complete without the dancing.  It was a bittersweet day as we shared our final talks, and for each of us we knew it would soon be time to say our goodbyes.

We were all so very blessed when the Children's Choir came in the afternoon and presented us with about 20 minutes of beautiful singing.  As I sat there I watched one couple on the team across the room sitting upfront video taping their sponsor daughter.  You could see how proud they were of her, no different than if she were their own biological daughter.  How special this young girl must have felt to have both of her American parents their proudly video taping her performance. Even I felt so proud of this young woman, who has taken the opportunities given to her and used them for the glory of God!  We were blessed to have her share her personal story, along with one of the other teen girls, about how Horizon has had such an impact on her life and how thankful she is.  There is nothing more impactful than to hear from the mouths of these children how their lives have been changed because of Horizon and loving supportive sponsors.  We can all make a difference in this world - one life at a time!

                                         Video Link:  Sekgopo Horizon Children's Choir

 It was later in the afternoon when the place was a buzz with activity, for we heard that the Chief of Sekgopo Village was coming to visit, and to thank Horizon and the team for the work that is being done in her community.  For these women of Sekgopo this was quite an honor to have the Chief in their presence.  It was quite the formal presentation as the Chief approached the room in a formal procession with ladies escorting her into the Conference Center dressed in their tribal garments. 

The Chief of Sekgopo alongside her daughter being
escorted into the Conference Center.

Chief of Sekgopo

Once the Chief was seated on stage we were honored with a presentation by a group of Horizon Children who put on an amazing dance performance for everyone.  Wow, such talent that exists in these children! 

These kids did an amazing job and it brought the end of the conference to a close, as the Chief arose and ended the conference with her thanks for the work of Horizon in her community of Sekgopo.  As the day ended we were able to give each of the women a special tote bag to carry their possessions in.  As the ladies left the conference there were many hugs and smiles, but my heart was a little sad as I know for many they must return to the hardships of their daily lives and caring for these precious children.  My prayer is that they will remember the messages of hope and encouragement that were shared, that they will continue to lift up their prayers,  but most of all that they will cling to Jesus for He is the only one who can truly love each of us unconditionally despite our circumstances, and give us the hope to continue to press on!