Sunday, October 6, 2013

Worship Time in Zambia

Today is a day of worship.  How excited I am to be back in Africa and to experience the beautiful way the people of Zambia worship.  As we arrived at church this  a.m. the first thing that struck me about this church was the beautiful stain glass windows present.  As I looked at those windows each made up of different pieces and colors of glass I am reminded how much it is like us coming together for worship.  Each from different countries coming together in this beautiful time of worship as Jesus shines through in our time of worship.

Beautiful Stained Glass Windows in the Church in Avondale
As I sat and listened to many beautiful singers come up and express their praise to God I just had to smile at the beauty of their voices as they echoed thru the church.  What I love the most about worship in Africa is the freedom to simply express themselves in praise before the Lord.   I only hope that as we begin our Women of Worth conference tomorrow that we too can praise the Lord with wonderful abandon for the love he has blessed each of us with.