Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Conference Day 2: One of the Least of These

It is day 2 of the conference and a jam packed day at that.  Last night I was up late modifying my talk as there are 8 who are to speak today, plus a drama, and a little dancing fun.  Let's just say that makes for a LONG day.  After our morning speakers we broke into our discussion groups to talk to the ladies.  My group combined with another as we were short on interpreters.  I was so proud of the women in my group as many of them began to speak out today.  What I heard was heart wrenching when they we're answering a question from one of the talks , which asked if they have any problems they can't solve.  One of the older women, Eunice shared how she really didn't know what to do as she has lost all 8 of her children and is caring for all of her grandchildren and now they are dying.  In fact she just buried one of her grandchildren a few days ago.   She wanted to know what to do.  How do you even respond to such pain and despair?  As I sat there listening to 3 of my ladies talk about losing their children and yet see there precious smiles it really made me stop and reflect.  How much pain, and heartache they have had to endure.  How do they do it?  How do they press on?  What I heard over and over in not so many words was with the help of The Lord.

Precious children at the conference

Oh, how blessed we are in America with access to so many resources to help us whether we are faced with illnesses, loss of jobs, no food for our tables, divorce, whatever the struggle may be there are almost always options available to help.  However, here in Zambia, in the area we are working, that is not the case.  Many are hungry, and the basic necessities aren't even available for them.  So it was even harder to watch as many of the little children of the women at the conference are here too.  One little boy was giving me smiles all day as I looked at him in his dirty tattered pajama top and bottoms that he has worn for the last 2 days quietly sitting with his grandmother.  I am reminded of the verse in Matthew 25:45 "I tell you the truth whatever you did not do for one of the least of these you did not do for me."

Stella with her grandson