Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Little Gifts

Tonight the Global Outreach (GO) Team along with family and friends gathered to pray together and to pack the extra suitcases that each of us team members will carry with us  over to Zambia and South Africa.  As I sat on the floor packing my suitcase full of these little quart-size Ziploc bags I kept thinking how heavy my suitcase will be when I have to carry it.  I started to think...why did these people send such heavy items packed into these little quart-size bags.  Isn't that just like me - to only think about it from my perspective.  Then tonight after I arrived home it struck me - each of those little gifts represents a life of a child.  Oh there were so many of them - suitcase after suitcase containing Ziploc bag after Ziploc bag. 

Doug shared that these Horizon children are orphans some have lost one or both parents to the ravages of diseases like HIV/AIDs, malaria, and any other number of parasite or other terrible diseases.  So, these children when they are sponsored view their sponsor as their American parents. They long to belong, to be part of a family, to know that someone cares for them and loves them.  Now at the time I heard that this evening I didn't think much about it, until I arrived home with my 48.5 pound suitcase in the trunk of my car packed full of "little gifts."  Then it started to sink in - what precious cargo I have been asked to carry.   

Wow, how could I be so focused on me.  Now as I reflect upon my thoughts this evening I realize the weight of that bag no longer seems so important when the life of a precious child is at stake.  It is in these little packages that bring a note of encouragement, a simple toy, a pad of paper and pencil - each package containing an expression of love from a parent to child, and a simple small way a blessing and encouragement to the life of that child.  In  Matthew 25:40 it says " Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." 

Heavenly Father thank you that you allow me to be your hands and feet to carry these special little gifts to your precious children.  Forgive me for my selfish prideful ways, and help me to never forget the abundant blessings that you have given me so that I can in turn bless others.  Help me to extend myself in love in the same way you have unconditionally extended your love, grace and mercy to me.  Continue to reveal to me Lord that my ways are not your ways.


I am double-blessed as while I am in South Africa I will have the opportunity to meet my child Ivy for the very first time.  I will be able to look her in the eyes and tell her she is loved, and then wrap my arms around her and give her the biggest hug I can!  The joy is in the journey!

 If you would like to know more about child sponsorship with Horizon International go to