Thursday, October 24, 2013

Demonstrate Your Trust in Me

It was difficult to say goodbye to our friends in Zambia.  However, we were able to celebrate the work that God had done during our time in Zambia on Saturday evening (October 12) with a traditional Zambian meal prepared by our hosts Moses and Cecelia and their friends and family.  The food was delicious, but I will admit that I never was brave enough to eat one of their delicacies which was fried caterpillars.  The thought of chewing on a caterpillar was too much for me, however some on the team were braver than I and did taste this Zambian delicacy.  Some things I must admit I can do without and I was so thankful that the caterpillars were an option!  Needless to say it was a special time and a time to reflect back over our week.   

Zambian Dinner at Moses and Cecilia's Home
On Sunday, October 13 we left Zambia and journeyed to Johannesburg where we spent the night as the new team joined up with us, before continuing our journey on to Sekgopo in Limpopo Province South Africa.  God's provision was with us when my friend and roommate went to bed with tooth pain that evening and woke up in the middle of the night with even worse pain.  Having recently had a root canal done myself it had all the markings of a potential root canal, which was rather unsettling as my roommate was to continue onto Cape Town after we were finished in South Africa.  As I had become accustomed to doing each morning I would read my Jesus Calling Devotional to my roommate for the day, so I had to chuckle as I began to read to her that morning.   There was clearly a message for us that morning when the devotional began as represented below.  

Be prepared to suffer for me, in my name.  All suffering has meaning in My kingdom, pain and problems are opportunities to demonstrate your trust in Me.  Bearing your circumstances bravely - even thanking me for them - is even one of the highest forms of praise.

Wow, that was clearly a message to take to heart!  How often do we try and operate out of our own understanding and try and control our circumstances?   This was a reminder that we must trust God for He calls us to demonstrate that trust and to walk in faith.  It was an interesting morning as we watched and waited to see what God would do in the midst of these circumstances.

After breakfast and devotions we had a 6 hour drive ahead of us to reach Sekgopo.  However, it became very apparent that my roommate needed a dentist before we departed.  So the team waited while her and our leader walked to a nearby dentist office.  After getting lost on their walk they finally arrived at the dentist office, but they were told that they couldn't help them as they were fully booked, but if they wanted to return in a few days they might be able to help.  Well needless to say that was not an option.  A woman who was in the waiting room overhead what was transpiring and gave up part of her appointment time after talking to the dentist so my roommate could be seen.  As suspected she needed a root canal done, and had a bad infection too.  However, God was in control.  It is amazing to think had they arrived at that dental office any earlier or later, this woman may not have been there in that waiting room.  Not only did God place this woman in their path to help by giving up her appointment, but she even waited and drove them back to the hotel and they were able to share with her the work we were there to do to serve the orphans and the caregivers.   After less than 2 hours and $50 later they were done. Yes, the root canal only cost them $50!   What a praise and reminder that we serve a faithful God, all we have to do is simply trust him. Just like the devotional said "demonstrate your trust in me".  So the journey continued, and we finally arrived in Sekgopo later that evening praising God. 
Arriving in Sekgopo Village