Friday, October 25, 2013

Dancing Grannies: Message of Love and Encouragement

Wednesday, October 16 was the second day of our WOW Conference in Sekgopo Village.  When we arrived at the drop-in center there was no one in sight. In fact the place seemed deserted.  Many of us began to wonder if the ladies would arrive late that morning for the conference.  However, no sooner than we pulled up in our bus did many of the ladies come out to welcome us with shouts of jubilation, hugs and a grand welcome.  We were blown away when we walked inside and once again every person was there waiting on us to begin.  Just when we think we are coming to pour out love and encouragement God in turn blesses us.  You see many of these ladies had to walk long distances, or be transported in the back of a pick-up truck to attend this conference but they were there ready and waiting to hear the message that God has given each of us to share.  God is good!

Ladies ready and waiting for the WOW Conference
Once again we began our morning with Doug on the drums leading worship, some dancing, and then the talks began.  As each woman began to share their story as it related to a woman of the Bible we asked the women to respond with questions.

Doug on the drum leading worship
Sally sharing her story with Teresa interpreting
Over and over the women were able to apply and share what they were learning from the talks.  They began to understand too the importance of raising these precious children in their care with love and patience, as they will be the next generation of leaders. As we proceeded through the day we had laughs, we had tears and we had prayers sent to heaven.  It was a wonderful day as we began to connect one with another despite our differences. 

The highlight of my day though had to be on one of our breaks where we invited the ladies to come up on the stage and dance for us. Sandy grabbed Johannes, one of the men in attendance, and the dancing began. I watched as many came forward and went up on stage to dance, but then I saw two grannies with canes slowly make their way upfront dancing.  Before I knew it these 2 ladies were up on stage dancing.  What joy it brought to my heart to see the beautiful smiles and the joy that abounded as many of these women danced before the Lord.  My smile couldn't get any larger until all of sudden I see these 2 grannies lifting their canes in the air as they danced before the Lord.  Oh, my heart is full.  You see for these women they never have the opportunity to attend any events such as this - for them this is a very special occasion - to leave behind the struggles, the pain of loss, the hard work and to have a moment of joy. To see them experience the love that was being poured out and the encouragement shared and watch them blossom and dance for joy was truly a special moment.  It reminds me of the verse in Psalms 30:11-12 which says "You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever."
Video Link:  Dancing Grannies
End of the day - ladies leaving in the back of the pickup truck