Friday, October 25, 2013

The Mask Ball

On Sunday, October 20th we attended a small church in a community in Limpoo Province South Africa.  As we entered this small church it seemed as if our team outnumbered the people in attendance.  However, as we walked in every person came to greet us personally with hugs and smiles.  As I entered the one thing that stood out most to me was this beautiful table set before us.  It was covered in white linen with an orange runner and beautiful Calla Lillies adorned each table.  Each chair was covered with white linen and a beautiful orange sash.  As I stood there looking upon this sight it occurred to me - this table was prepared for our team.  How humbled I was when we were asked to sit at this beautiful table as their guests of honor.
Banquet Table

Amanda, Meri, and Susan in front of the banquet table
As I reflect on that moment I am reminded of Jesus' Parable of the Great Feast in Luke 14:15-24 where the guests were invited but many choose not to come.  As we sat there I was reminded of the importance of obedience - to think if I had not been obedient to come to South Africa I would have missed out on this wonderful blessing.  It truly was a blessing because I know that this beautiful table and meal that was served was truly a sacrifice given out of love.  In 1 John 3:18 it says, "Dear children, let us not love in words and in tongue, but in actions and in truth."  This small community of Christians showed us love in their actions and in truth. 

During our time of worship, one young woman went forward to share a special poem she had written.  We were all so touched as she proceeded to share from her heart.  Below is that poem full of wisdom that blessed us all - I pray it blesses you as well.

Stacy talking with Matodzi Bele

Written By Matodzi Bele

I am Matodzi Bele.

No wait I think I am Matodzi Bele.

Yes, we are all invited to the Mask Ball.

Be careful to which rhythm you dance,

As it will conceive your uprising or downfall.

What am I to wear?

A thing to get people to accept me and not to just sit down and glare.

The rains and sorrows eclipse over me,

As the mask required for the ball – pretense, deception and false truths –

It slowly engulfs and consumes a light I am unable to make clear sense of.

So slowly the world is engulfing and consuming my identity,

That I may belong to no other entity than that of the world.

In retaliation I will paint my nails with Genesis,

That with each step the Lord clear my path.

I will bathe my heart with Psalms,

With each heartbeat the devil be beat.

I will look in the mirror with my contact lenses of Revelation,

so that I forget not my reflection.

My lenses be coated with the gospels.

In times of need and sorrow, love truly is required.

As void as I may be I will not let a mere mortal moon walk their way into my heart,

Feeding me false truths about what love is.

In the beginning the earth was void till God stepped in.

Why choose a mortal to explain what love is when you can fall in love with love itself.

G.O.D. God. He needs not to explain it because a simple look in the mirror is enough proof.

Made in God’s image.

Put on your dancing shoes, because we are all at the Ball,

Just dancing to different rhythms.

Because of Satan’s deceptions our fellow members dance to the music everyone else is dancing to,

Because of fear of standing out they blend in and lose out on the opportunity to be outstanding.

Therefore aborting their mission and failing to complete it.

God set us apart that He may fulfill His will.

Only them that endure make it to the final Ball and say it is finished.

Do not wear the mask as you will be deceived by your own foolish desire.

Matodzi meaning tears, Belle with double “ll” means beautiful in Greek.

Therefore I am tears of beauty.

My beauty from within, because they can take my flesh, my physical beauty,

But one thing they can’t take is my spirit.

If I be obese in the flesh my spirit still lives,

But if my spirit be obese with false truths of the world I am doomed.

Any man can dance but not many can dance with truth as David.

Let them have their Mask Ball but let us enter and make it a Ball,

Because in God’s presence things hidden are revealed.

Some of the children in the congregation

Young ladies that sang for us during the service