Friday, October 4, 2013

Packing For the Journey

For any journey which requires air travel I always struggle with the task of packing.  Out of all "my stuff" how do I decide what to pack in my limited bag.   This trip is especially harder than normal since we will be gone for 20 days.  That's a lot of days without the comforts of home.  So the chore at hand is to prioritize those things that I can't live without for the next 20 days.

As I began the process of sorting through all my possessions to decide what will make the cut, some things are really easy to decide what to take like my Bible, the normal clothing and underwear and then it starts to get more complicated.  How many pairs of shoes do I really need, how many shirts, and skirts do I really need to take...oh what about camera, iPod, iPad, cell phone, and the list goes on and on.  Yesterday as I went thru the process of determining what must go in my suitcase and what would remain I was  reminded of the story in Bible where Jesus sent out his disciples without money,  without a bag, and with only the clothes on their backs.  When I ponder that in light of my 50 lb suitcase and carry on bag I am forced to stop and think.  Have I become too attached to my earthly possessions?  What would happen if my stuff didn't arrive in Africa with me?  How much simpler would things be and how much lighter the trip would be if only I wasn't so attached to my stuff.

As we checked in our bags at the airport - one our personal bag and the other bag with "little gifts" for the children - we were told there is $100 charge for each second bag.  What?  Now we have to pay extra money to take our stuff with us????  I wonder is this what The Lord had in mind when he said "Go and make disciples of all nations..."?  I don't remember it saying anything going and taking all your stuff along.  Somehow I think there is a message in all this, it really isn't about those earthly possessions, or comforts of home, but it is all about reaching others with the hope of Jesus.   Someday perhaps I will lessen my grip on my stuff but that will be a gradual process, a teaching and a growing in faith.  For and all my stuff .....we are heading to Africa.