Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Conference Day 3: Extra Special Blessings

Today was the last day of our first conference, and the day we are to say our goodbyes to the women we have made friends with here in Chongwe Zambia.  What a special treat we had when we arrived at the conference this morning by all the women greeting us in song at the bus.  I wish I could begin to find words for the beautiful melodies and voices of these Zambian women.  How special we all felt to be greeted in such a manner.  It certainly set the tone for the morning.

Our friend Mercy, who is the Project Director for Horizon in Chongwe, shared her personal story with us today and how God brought her, an orphan herself, to Horizon.
Mercy sharing her testimony

Then our leader Sandy, spoke on putting on the armor of God, complete with a model for each of the pieces of armor.  We all laughed as she had women come up and shoot the fiery darts with a play bow and arrow set at the shield of faith.  They were asked to call out some of those fiery darts coming at them and then shoot the arrows at the shield.  The women all got a chuckle but the point was well made.  

Sandy in her talk on Armor of God - the shield of faith that extinguishes the flaming arrows of the evil one
 Ephesians 6:10-18
Then we proceeded to call up each team of women and to present each woman with a New Testament in their language.  I only wish you could have heard the cheers from the women when they heard that news.  What a precious gift they are receiving. Thank you to those who helped make this possible for the women!  The women are blessed and excited to each be receiving their own Bible.

Kathy with her Ladies in Chongwe

Sandy distributing Bibles to her Ladies
After our presentation to each of our team of women our team was called up front as each of the tribes in attendance wanted to present a gift to us.  Oh my goodness, what a humbling blessing that was as each of these women put in what little they had to purchase each of us a gift.  It reminds me of the story of the widow's offering in Mark12:41-44 where the widow put every bit she had into the offering.  Jesus used that as a teaching moment for the disciples and said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.  They all gave out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty, put in everything - all she had to live on."  What a humbling moment to stand there as each tribe danced and sang their way to us presenting their gifts many given with an offering of all they have.

First tribe presenting their gift of thanks to each of our team

The day once again closed in song and dance.  Oh how I love these great Women of Worth as they celebrate before The Lord despite their circumstances.  It is hard to say goodbye to our new friends, but instead we prefer to not to say goodbye but "see you later".

Some of the Chongwe ladies singing and dancing before the Lord