Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Joy of the Journey

It was back in April when I made the decision to take my first mission trip in 6 years back to my hearts cry which is Africa.   As I prepare to depart in 4 days it struck me tonight as I began this blog that the journey doesn't start the day you leave the journey began long before.  How often do we stop to take a deep breathe and realize that the joy is found in the journey itself?

As I hit the pause button and reflect upon all those I will be missing in the coming weeks I am struck by how blessed I am.  God is amazing.  I have travelled far in these last 6 months since making the decision to go.  It has been a journey full of highs and lows but along that journey are the blessings.  I have met some amazing people who have a love and passion for the Lord.  Some came alongside me to bless me with finances to go, some came along side me to diligently pray for me as the enemy placed obstacles and discouragement, some God sent to remind me of the importance of always being in His Word and committing that Word to heart, some came alongside me to encourage and uplift when things seem overwhelming, but each and everyone that crossed my path was a blessing and a reminder of how much God loves me and cares for me.  It is in the journey of faith with our eyes and hearts open that God reveals himself.  Oh how small I make God out to be when he is so much more than I can even imagine.  I must learn to dream bigger dreams to pray bigger prayers for in my weakness He is made strong.    Joshua 1:8 says, "Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, God will be with you and will never forsake you."  Thank you Lord that I can stand on your promises, that you are ever faithful as I step out into the unknown knowing that you will reveal yourself in the smallest of details and in the precious moments of this journey.  In that comes the sweetest joy!