Friday, October 11, 2013

Second WOW Conference

Today we finished up our second WOW conference in the area called Avondale.  As usually occurs on these types of trips we had many changes occur to both our schedules as well as our talks. I've come to learn that there is one thing you can count on when on a mission trip and that is change.  LOL I use to say you must be flexible, but now I am finding that being fluid is more fitting as you simply must go with the flow. I remember the first mission trip I ever took we had to sign a contract with the missionary prayer "where they lead me I will follow, what they feed me I will swallow."  I think that little prayer covers a lot and really is a lesson in humility.  As we spend time here in Zambia peanut butter sandwiches are the lunch staple and chicken is almost always the dinner staple and day after day I will admit that it can become a bit monotonous.  However that is all a part of the beautiful journey in stepping out of my comforts and desires. I find I must always be cautious not to grumble and complain like the Israelites when they wandered the desert, for I know how blessed I am simply to have food and clean drinking water. 

Our second conference was originally scheduled for 3 days, but yesterday we found out that the schedule had been modified and it was now to be only a day and a half.  Since many of the ladies were being bussed in and without additional funds to obtain a second bus, the conference had to be adjusted.  So, we had quite a full day yesterday as 12 of us gave our talks.  Needless to say that meant many of us were up, late the night before reworking our talks even more to shorten them up.  It was awesome as many of the ladies, myself included, found that we simply needed to put down our written out talks and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in what to share.  It was quite fitting that as I looked at October 10 in my Jesus Calling devotional was the following passage:

Trust me enough to let things happen without striving to predict or control them.  Relax, and refresh yourself in the Light of My everlasting Love, My Love-Light never dims, yet you are often unaware of My radiant Presence.  When you project yourself into the future, rehearsing what you will do or say, you are seeking to be self-sufficient: to be adequate without My help.  This is a subtle sin--so common that it usually slips by unnoticed.

The alternative is to live fully in the present, depending on Me each moment.  Rather than fearing your inadequacy rejoice in My abundant supply.  Train your mind to seek My help continually, even when you feel competent to handle something by yourself.  Don't divide your life into things you can do by yourself and things that require My help.  Instead, learn to rely on Me in every situation.  This discipline will enable you to enjoy life more and to face each day confidently.

After reading that devotional, needless to say I put away my talk and simply began to pray. Praying for the Holy Spirit to lead me in what I needed to share.  I can tell you that when I did that it was so much more powerful and fulfilling than anything I could have ever prepared.  That is one thing that I love about being away from the comforts of home, is that you are forced to rely on The Lord as it is not as easy to be self-sufficient in a foreign land. It is when we live outside of our comfort zone that we grow the most.

The last couple of days spent with the ladies of Avondale, were an even greater blessing. They taught us even more about the power of prayer and total reliance on The Lord, something that in America most of us don't truly experience as we are such a wealthy nation.  These women and their love and passion for The Lord is something that can never be explained in is only something that you must experience yourself.  I can still hear their beautiful singing, see their dancing and blessed smiles as they worship and celebrate before The Lord.  My heart is full, and as we prepare to head onto South Africa in a couple of days I know I will be leaving behind a piece of my heart with these ladies of Zambia.
Kathy and Ladies from her WOW Group in Avondale.
Kathy, Moses (our Regional Coordinator), and Sally in Zambian Chitenge, gifts from the women at WOW Conference in Avondale.
Time of worship and dancing
Time of worship and dancing

Pictures from our home visits as we walked through the Avondale Community.
Sandy at the home of one of the ladies we prayed with in Avondale
One of the children playing with an old tire
Precious child watching us