Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sticks and Stones and Plastic Containers

Friday, October 18th was a day the team spent visiting the Horizon Offices and various Drop-In Centers in Ramaroka, Manapane, and Madumalang.

At one of our first stops we visited with Pastor Freddie who is trying to plant a church in a small community in Ramaroka where there are few Christians.  Last year the team helped this pastor by making bricks to begin the construction of a new church building in which they can meet.  However, Pastor Freddie explained that after the team left, people in the area began to steal the bricks and those that had originally come to the church were discouraged and many have stopped coming.  Our team got in a circle and began to lift up this pastor and his church in our prayers.

After seeing this modest little church, I am reminded about all the grand buildings in America where we hold our church services - buildings with all the comforts you could think of with plush seats, heating and air conditioning, some with coffee shops or bookstores, with special classrooms for the children to learn and then I look upon this modest little church.  A church with a dirt floor, a rusty old 50 gallon drum for a pulpit, sticks and stones for seats, and a tarp to cover the roof.  I am humbled.  This Pastor is truly walking in faith - stepping out to plant this small church in a community of unbelievers with what little he has.  I am reminded that church really isn't about a fancy building or even the building itself, it is simply about  a community of people coming together to learn more about Jesus, and to grow in that personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Oh how important it is to be praying for our brothers and sisters abroad, for the burden is heavy and the workers and resources are few and they need our love, encouragement and our prayers!  Jesus said in Matthew 18:19-20" Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.  For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with you."  You see nothing is impossible with God.  Will you please pray with me for Pastor Freddie and his church that the name of Jesus will be heard all over this community and many will come to know Jesus thru the planting of this humble little church?

Remaining bricks to build the church
Doug talking with Pastor Freddie
Current church in Ramaroka
It was our visit to the Horizon Drop-In Center in Madumalang where we spent the most time with the children. While we were there we sang songs of praise with the children, they listened to a Bible Story which they were able to participate in, they played games and they spent time coloring. As I looked around at so many of the children it touched my heart. Some came in clean clothes and school uniforms and yet others came in dirty tattered clothing. All of them precious in God's sight and hungry for love and attention. As I looked around I just wanted to scoop many of them up in my arms and love on them and remind them that they are not alone, that they are loved, that they are not forgotten. As I stood in the audience some of the kids would boldly come up to me for a hug, to hold my hand, or a touch and some simply would stand and stare. Those were the ones I would invite to come to me and I would give them a big hug and then you would slowly see a smile creep across their face. As I sit here at home writing about the memory of that day I am reminded that it really isn't so different here at home. We live in a society that is so busy, so schedule driven that we go through the motions of our day without thought to those around us. Do you ever have a day where you just need a hug? A day or a moment where you just wish someone would take the time to stop and acknowledge you, that they would reach out in love and compassion extending God's love in a tangible way? Do you ever have moments where you longed for someone to simply acknowledge that you matter?   For me I think that is the hardest part about returning home. After 19 days with my team and countless women and children with hugs abounding - it is so difficult to come home where you seldom receive a hug or even acknowledgement that you matter.  We live in a society where we are so caught up in our own schedules and tasks at hand and the busyness of our day that so often we don't see the needs around us. We don't have to go around the world to show God's love and compassion - it often starts right here at home. However, for me it is always a blessing to be in another culture, to step outside of my needs and wants, and to simply experience all that God has in front of me.  Now, I must do a better and learn to do the same here at home.     

Children singing - this little boy in the vest was singing
 with such passion and joy it touched my heart
Some of the many children at Madumalang - they all loved to
have their picture taken
As my team talked about the afternoon we spent with the children in Madumalang, several individuals on the team were talking about the children with the containers.  You see some kids came with a plastic container in hand and yet others did not.  My team was reflecting on how when the children were involved in an activity like coloring, or playing a game the kids with the plastic container never put it down.  They would tuck that plastic dish in their shirt, under their arm, in their pants, but that dish remained with them at all times.  As I listened to them talk I was reminded of the children in Sekgopo Village where I saw the same thing - some children came with containers and others did not.  You may be wondering - what is the significance of this container to which these children clung to so tightly?  Well, for these children they were not sponsored.  You see all of the Horizon sponsored orphan children receive a plate filled with food each day - that is included as part of their sponsorship.  The children that are not sponsored come as well and any food that remains is given to the other children.  However, they must bring their own dish or container for the food.  This is why that plastic container was so very important to these children, as it may hold the only meal they will receive that day.

Some of the children with their plastic containers
Oh my heart is so heavy when I think about the abundance of food and provision I have been given, and yet here are these blessed little children who hunger.  Hunger not just for food - but hunger to know that someone cares, that someone loves them, and that tomorrow they will have a plate of food for their bellies.   So I ask - as you sit down at your table to eat - would you be willing to sacrifice so one of these children can eat?  Sacrifice so one of these children can have an education?  Sacrifice so one of these children can know that they are loved?  Then maybe just one less child has to lay their head down tonight with hunger gnawing at their belly.  (For more information on child sponsorship see  www.horizoninternationalinc.com)

One of the unsponsored children who
captured my heart

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Mask Ball

On Sunday, October 20th we attended a small church in a community in Limpoo Province South Africa.  As we entered this small church it seemed as if our team outnumbered the people in attendance.  However, as we walked in every person came to greet us personally with hugs and smiles.  As I entered the one thing that stood out most to me was this beautiful table set before us.  It was covered in white linen with an orange runner and beautiful Calla Lillies adorned each table.  Each chair was covered with white linen and a beautiful orange sash.  As I stood there looking upon this sight it occurred to me - this table was prepared for our team.  How humbled I was when we were asked to sit at this beautiful table as their guests of honor.
Banquet Table

Amanda, Meri, and Susan in front of the banquet table
As I reflect on that moment I am reminded of Jesus' Parable of the Great Feast in Luke 14:15-24 where the guests were invited but many choose not to come.  As we sat there I was reminded of the importance of obedience - to think if I had not been obedient to come to South Africa I would have missed out on this wonderful blessing.  It truly was a blessing because I know that this beautiful table and meal that was served was truly a sacrifice given out of love.  In 1 John 3:18 it says, "Dear children, let us not love in words and in tongue, but in actions and in truth."  This small community of Christians showed us love in their actions and in truth. 

During our time of worship, one young woman went forward to share a special poem she had written.  We were all so touched as she proceeded to share from her heart.  Below is that poem full of wisdom that blessed us all - I pray it blesses you as well.

Stacy talking with Matodzi Bele

Written By Matodzi Bele

I am Matodzi Bele.

No wait I think I am Matodzi Bele.

Yes, we are all invited to the Mask Ball.

Be careful to which rhythm you dance,

As it will conceive your uprising or downfall.

What am I to wear?

A thing to get people to accept me and not to just sit down and glare.

The rains and sorrows eclipse over me,

As the mask required for the ball – pretense, deception and false truths –

It slowly engulfs and consumes a light I am unable to make clear sense of.

So slowly the world is engulfing and consuming my identity,

That I may belong to no other entity than that of the world.

In retaliation I will paint my nails with Genesis,

That with each step the Lord clear my path.

I will bathe my heart with Psalms,

With each heartbeat the devil be beat.

I will look in the mirror with my contact lenses of Revelation,

so that I forget not my reflection.

My lenses be coated with the gospels.

In times of need and sorrow, love truly is required.

As void as I may be I will not let a mere mortal moon walk their way into my heart,

Feeding me false truths about what love is.

In the beginning the earth was void till God stepped in.

Why choose a mortal to explain what love is when you can fall in love with love itself.

G.O.D. God. He needs not to explain it because a simple look in the mirror is enough proof.

Made in God’s image.

Put on your dancing shoes, because we are all at the Ball,

Just dancing to different rhythms.

Because of Satan’s deceptions our fellow members dance to the music everyone else is dancing to,

Because of fear of standing out they blend in and lose out on the opportunity to be outstanding.

Therefore aborting their mission and failing to complete it.

God set us apart that He may fulfill His will.

Only them that endure make it to the final Ball and say it is finished.

Do not wear the mask as you will be deceived by your own foolish desire.

Matodzi meaning tears, Belle with double “ll” means beautiful in Greek.

Therefore I am tears of beauty.

My beauty from within, because they can take my flesh, my physical beauty,

But one thing they can’t take is my spirit.

If I be obese in the flesh my spirit still lives,

But if my spirit be obese with false truths of the world I am doomed.

Any man can dance but not many can dance with truth as David.

Let them have their Mask Ball but let us enter and make it a Ball,

Because in God’s presence things hidden are revealed.

Some of the children in the congregation

Young ladies that sang for us during the service

WOW Final Celebration: Visit from the Chief

Thursday, October 17th was our final day of the WOW Conference in Sekgopo Village.  It was a day filled with praises being lifted high and of course it wouldn't be complete without the dancing.  It was a bittersweet day as we shared our final talks, and for each of us we knew it would soon be time to say our goodbyes.

We were all so very blessed when the Children's Choir came in the afternoon and presented us with about 20 minutes of beautiful singing.  As I sat there I watched one couple on the team across the room sitting upfront video taping their sponsor daughter.  You could see how proud they were of her, no different than if she were their own biological daughter.  How special this young girl must have felt to have both of her American parents their proudly video taping her performance. Even I felt so proud of this young woman, who has taken the opportunities given to her and used them for the glory of God!  We were blessed to have her share her personal story, along with one of the other teen girls, about how Horizon has had such an impact on her life and how thankful she is.  There is nothing more impactful than to hear from the mouths of these children how their lives have been changed because of Horizon and loving supportive sponsors.  We can all make a difference in this world - one life at a time!

                                         Video Link:  Sekgopo Horizon Children's Choir

 It was later in the afternoon when the place was a buzz with activity, for we heard that the Chief of Sekgopo Village was coming to visit, and to thank Horizon and the team for the work that is being done in her community.  For these women of Sekgopo this was quite an honor to have the Chief in their presence.  It was quite the formal presentation as the Chief approached the room in a formal procession with ladies escorting her into the Conference Center dressed in their tribal garments. 

The Chief of Sekgopo alongside her daughter being
escorted into the Conference Center.

Chief of Sekgopo

Once the Chief was seated on stage we were honored with a presentation by a group of Horizon Children who put on an amazing dance performance for everyone.  Wow, such talent that exists in these children! 

These kids did an amazing job and it brought the end of the conference to a close, as the Chief arose and ended the conference with her thanks for the work of Horizon in her community of Sekgopo.  As the day ended we were able to give each of the women a special tote bag to carry their possessions in.  As the ladies left the conference there were many hugs and smiles, but my heart was a little sad as I know for many they must return to the hardships of their daily lives and caring for these precious children.  My prayer is that they will remember the messages of hope and encouragement that were shared, that they will continue to lift up their prayers,  but most of all that they will cling to Jesus for He is the only one who can truly love each of us unconditionally despite our circumstances, and give us the hope to continue to press on!

Dancing Grannies: Message of Love and Encouragement

Wednesday, October 16 was the second day of our WOW Conference in Sekgopo Village.  When we arrived at the drop-in center there was no one in sight. In fact the place seemed deserted.  Many of us began to wonder if the ladies would arrive late that morning for the conference.  However, no sooner than we pulled up in our bus did many of the ladies come out to welcome us with shouts of jubilation, hugs and a grand welcome.  We were blown away when we walked inside and once again every person was there waiting on us to begin.  Just when we think we are coming to pour out love and encouragement God in turn blesses us.  You see many of these ladies had to walk long distances, or be transported in the back of a pick-up truck to attend this conference but they were there ready and waiting to hear the message that God has given each of us to share.  God is good!

Ladies ready and waiting for the WOW Conference
Once again we began our morning with Doug on the drums leading worship, some dancing, and then the talks began.  As each woman began to share their story as it related to a woman of the Bible we asked the women to respond with questions.

Doug on the drum leading worship
Sally sharing her story with Teresa interpreting
Over and over the women were able to apply and share what they were learning from the talks.  They began to understand too the importance of raising these precious children in their care with love and patience, as they will be the next generation of leaders. As we proceeded through the day we had laughs, we had tears and we had prayers sent to heaven.  It was a wonderful day as we began to connect one with another despite our differences. 

The highlight of my day though had to be on one of our breaks where we invited the ladies to come up on the stage and dance for us. Sandy grabbed Johannes, one of the men in attendance, and the dancing began. I watched as many came forward and went up on stage to dance, but then I saw two grannies with canes slowly make their way upfront dancing.  Before I knew it these 2 ladies were up on stage dancing.  What joy it brought to my heart to see the beautiful smiles and the joy that abounded as many of these women danced before the Lord.  My smile couldn't get any larger until all of sudden I see these 2 grannies lifting their canes in the air as they danced before the Lord.  Oh, my heart is full.  You see for these women they never have the opportunity to attend any events such as this - for them this is a very special occasion - to leave behind the struggles, the pain of loss, the hard work and to have a moment of joy. To see them experience the love that was being poured out and the encouragement shared and watch them blossom and dance for joy was truly a special moment.  It reminds me of the verse in Psalms 30:11-12 which says "You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever."
Video Link:  Dancing Grannies
End of the day - ladies leaving in the back of the pickup truck

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Expectantly Waiting

Tuesday, morning October 15 we arrived at the drop-in center in Sekgopo village ready to begin the Women of Worth Conference not really knowing if there would be any women there upon on arrival.   Andries, our Regional Coordinator, informed us that many women had been invited, but he didn't know if they would come.    

When we pulled up in front of the drop-in center we were amazed as all the women had arrived ahead of us and were expectantly waiting outside bundled up in coats as it was a rather chilly start to the morning.  What is amazing is that in Africa they aren't as time sensitive as we are in the U.S. so we were quite surprised to see all these women and young children expectantly waiting for us.  As I went around to greet each of the ladies I could see the bit of hesitancy yet excitement in their faces.  It was amazing how many women were there waiting for us and the journey God would take us on together over the next several days.
Ladies from Sekgopo waiting for us the first day of the WOW Conference

One of the little children - pretty in pink.

Even our Regional Coordinators from Horizon were rather surprised to see how many women came.  One by one each woman was greeted and lead to a seat. It certainly didn't take long to fill up that room and empty seats were difficult to find.  Many of the women came with their babies strapped to their backs or with young toddlers. It was surprising to see how many of the older grannies had such young babies strapped to their backs as they cared for them and rocked them throughout the conference.  

WOW Conference with the women in prayer

One of the grannies rocking the child.

The first day of talks went well and as the day went on my group of women began to grow and by the end of the day I had 15 women and 1 male caregiver.  Yes, kind of funny to think we are doing a woman of Worth Conference and have male attendees, but once again our focus was on the caregivers to the orphans and in some cases that involves male caregivers.  It was a wonderful day, and to see the smiles of the women and see the joy as they danced....and believe me we did a lot more dancing at this conference!

A time of worship and dancing

After the conference ended we were blessed with time with all the precious children. The men on our team spent time in the morning working on building a home for one of the women in the community who was attending the conference, and then in the afternoon a group of men and women from our team hosted story time and crafts time for the kids.  After our conference ended for the day we also joined in spending time with the kids and giving out lots and lots of hugs and smiles.  

I was especially excited when I had the opportunity to meet my sponsor child Ivy for the first time.  She is 10 years old and extremely shy.  I was told she didn't speak any English so that made it difficult, but I still spoke to her anyway.  Then I was told she had an older sister, Emmy, who is 18 and I was able to meet her as well.  As we spoke I realized that my child, Ivy was able to speak more English than she let on, and then with her sister Emmy there the smiles came out.  Reminds me of my childhood and how extremely shy I was so I understood her hesitancy.
Emmy, Kathy and Ivy
Ivy with a beautiful smile

As I spent time with the children one thing I experienced was how hungry these children are for love and attention.  It isn't about bringing gifts it is simply about belonging and being loved.   I wish I could convey to all the sponsors back home just how important you are to these children!  They long to have to have you come and visit them and to give them lots of hugs.  No gift or letter can fill the void of a loving touch.  Some come in tattered dirty clothing and others come in nicer clothing - the difference is usually that of a sponsor.  One child is sponsored and one child is not.  I am slowly coming to realize how small of a sacrifice it is to help even one child and the impact upon the life of that child.
Kathy with some of the precious children
The second day of the conference was even more amazing as we arrived we were greeted by many of the women in their tribal costumes greeting us with shouts of jubilation.

Ladies of Sekopo greeting us when we arrived
As we all unloaded from the bus we hugged each of the ladies they proceeded to do their welcome dance as they filed into the conference area.  Oh how I love that.  What a wonderful welcome and special start to our day.  It makes me stop and ponder...why don't we greet our guests with such joyous celebration?   How much richer our lives would be if we celebrated and welcomed our friends and guests with arms extended and in love.

Demonstrate Your Trust in Me

It was difficult to say goodbye to our friends in Zambia.  However, we were able to celebrate the work that God had done during our time in Zambia on Saturday evening (October 12) with a traditional Zambian meal prepared by our hosts Moses and Cecelia and their friends and family.  The food was delicious, but I will admit that I never was brave enough to eat one of their delicacies which was fried caterpillars.  The thought of chewing on a caterpillar was too much for me, however some on the team were braver than I and did taste this Zambian delicacy.  Some things I must admit I can do without and I was so thankful that the caterpillars were an option!  Needless to say it was a special time and a time to reflect back over our week.   

Zambian Dinner at Moses and Cecilia's Home
On Sunday, October 13 we left Zambia and journeyed to Johannesburg where we spent the night as the new team joined up with us, before continuing our journey on to Sekgopo in Limpopo Province South Africa.  God's provision was with us when my friend and roommate went to bed with tooth pain that evening and woke up in the middle of the night with even worse pain.  Having recently had a root canal done myself it had all the markings of a potential root canal, which was rather unsettling as my roommate was to continue onto Cape Town after we were finished in South Africa.  As I had become accustomed to doing each morning I would read my Jesus Calling Devotional to my roommate for the day, so I had to chuckle as I began to read to her that morning.   There was clearly a message for us that morning when the devotional began as represented below.  

Be prepared to suffer for me, in my name.  All suffering has meaning in My kingdom, pain and problems are opportunities to demonstrate your trust in Me.  Bearing your circumstances bravely - even thanking me for them - is even one of the highest forms of praise.

Wow, that was clearly a message to take to heart!  How often do we try and operate out of our own understanding and try and control our circumstances?   This was a reminder that we must trust God for He calls us to demonstrate that trust and to walk in faith.  It was an interesting morning as we watched and waited to see what God would do in the midst of these circumstances.

After breakfast and devotions we had a 6 hour drive ahead of us to reach Sekgopo.  However, it became very apparent that my roommate needed a dentist before we departed.  So the team waited while her and our leader walked to a nearby dentist office.  After getting lost on their walk they finally arrived at the dentist office, but they were told that they couldn't help them as they were fully booked, but if they wanted to return in a few days they might be able to help.  Well needless to say that was not an option.  A woman who was in the waiting room overhead what was transpiring and gave up part of her appointment time after talking to the dentist so my roommate could be seen.  As suspected she needed a root canal done, and had a bad infection too.  However, God was in control.  It is amazing to think had they arrived at that dental office any earlier or later, this woman may not have been there in that waiting room.  Not only did God place this woman in their path to help by giving up her appointment, but she even waited and drove them back to the hotel and they were able to share with her the work we were there to do to serve the orphans and the caregivers.   After less than 2 hours and $50 later they were done. Yes, the root canal only cost them $50!   What a praise and reminder that we serve a faithful God, all we have to do is simply trust him. Just like the devotional said "demonstrate your trust in me".  So the journey continued, and we finally arrived in Sekgopo later that evening praising God. 
Arriving in Sekgopo Village

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Precious Little Children

Today is our last day here in Zambia as some of the team will be returning home and the remainder of the team will be meeting up with some additional team members as we head on to South Africa.  Yesterday we spent the day visiting some of the children's clubs that Horizon International leads.  What a blessing it was to have a few minutes with these precious little children.

Kathy with some of the children
Special smiles for the camera
Stephanie and Amanda sitting with the children

As we went to one of the children's clubs I was so blessed to hear the little children get up and share their favorite memory verses and many of them sang us some special songs.  I was reminded of the importance of the scriptures and how in Colossians 3:16 it says "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly."  How is it that these little ones seemed to have the scriptures dwelling in them more so than I?  The Lord has been speaking to me the last several months that I must have the word in my heart so that I am prepared when I need to put on the armor of God.  This journey has made that evermore apparent.  

My heart breaks for these little orphan children and how much they must endure.  How is it that there is so much wealth in this world, and yet these little ones in their tattered clothes are hungry.  Not only hungry for food, but a longing hunger to be belong, to be loved, to know that that they are not alone in this world.  I wish I could relay in words how much it means to these children who are sponsored to know that they are loved and cared for.  Just think about it....what if every person in our circle of influence  and our churches at home would sponsor one child?  What an impact the would make in helping care for these little ones.  As I sit here in the airport working on this blog today the scripture from Luke 6:20-22 comes to mind:

Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.  Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied.  Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.  Blessed are you who when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.  Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their fathers treated the prophets.
But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.  Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry.  Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.  Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets.

As I reflect on that scripture I must ask myself am I doing all I can for these little children.  God says to who much is given much is expected, and so I know that much is expected of me. Today in our devotion time we talked about sacrifice.  As Americans I am not sure we truly understand or comprehend that word.  So many times I think that I am caught up in what I may get out of something than a true heartfelt sacrifice.  There is NO DOUBT that I have been richly blessed, and now is the time when I must stop and examine my heart.  The needs are so overwhelming here in Zambia, and I have been so blessed so am I willing to sacrifice my comforts and luxuries and sponsor one more child?  How can I not.....how can I walk away knowing that I could have helped one more child, to make a difference in one more life.  Would you pray about joining me to help one of God's little children?  If so you can find out more information at www.horizoninternationalinc.com.
Precious children

Friday, October 11, 2013

Second WOW Conference

Today we finished up our second WOW conference in the area called Avondale.  As usually occurs on these types of trips we had many changes occur to both our schedules as well as our talks. I've come to learn that there is one thing you can count on when on a mission trip and that is change.  LOL I use to say you must be flexible, but now I am finding that being fluid is more fitting as you simply must go with the flow. I remember the first mission trip I ever took we had to sign a contract with the missionary prayer "where they lead me I will follow, what they feed me I will swallow."  I think that little prayer covers a lot and really is a lesson in humility.  As we spend time here in Zambia peanut butter sandwiches are the lunch staple and chicken is almost always the dinner staple and day after day I will admit that it can become a bit monotonous.  However that is all a part of the beautiful journey in stepping out of my comforts and desires. I find I must always be cautious not to grumble and complain like the Israelites when they wandered the desert, for I know how blessed I am simply to have food and clean drinking water. 

Our second conference was originally scheduled for 3 days, but yesterday we found out that the schedule had been modified and it was now to be only a day and a half.  Since many of the ladies were being bussed in and without additional funds to obtain a second bus, the conference had to be adjusted.  So, we had quite a full day yesterday as 12 of us gave our talks.  Needless to say that meant many of us were up, late the night before reworking our talks even more to shorten them up.  It was awesome as many of the ladies, myself included, found that we simply needed to put down our written out talks and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in what to share.  It was quite fitting that as I looked at October 10 in my Jesus Calling devotional was the following passage:

Trust me enough to let things happen without striving to predict or control them.  Relax, and refresh yourself in the Light of My everlasting Love, My Love-Light never dims, yet you are often unaware of My radiant Presence.  When you project yourself into the future, rehearsing what you will do or say, you are seeking to be self-sufficient: to be adequate without My help.  This is a subtle sin--so common that it usually slips by unnoticed.

The alternative is to live fully in the present, depending on Me each moment.  Rather than fearing your inadequacy rejoice in My abundant supply.  Train your mind to seek My help continually, even when you feel competent to handle something by yourself.  Don't divide your life into things you can do by yourself and things that require My help.  Instead, learn to rely on Me in every situation.  This discipline will enable you to enjoy life more and to face each day confidently.

After reading that devotional, needless to say I put away my talk and simply began to pray. Praying for the Holy Spirit to lead me in what I needed to share.  I can tell you that when I did that it was so much more powerful and fulfilling than anything I could have ever prepared.  That is one thing that I love about being away from the comforts of home, is that you are forced to rely on The Lord as it is not as easy to be self-sufficient in a foreign land. It is when we live outside of our comfort zone that we grow the most.

The last couple of days spent with the ladies of Avondale, were an even greater blessing. They taught us even more about the power of prayer and total reliance on The Lord, something that in America most of us don't truly experience as we are such a wealthy nation.  These women and their love and passion for The Lord is something that can never be explained in words....it is only something that you must experience yourself.  I can still hear their beautiful singing, see their dancing and blessed smiles as they worship and celebrate before The Lord.  My heart is full, and as we prepare to head onto South Africa in a couple of days I know I will be leaving behind a piece of my heart with these ladies of Zambia.
Kathy and Ladies from her WOW Group in Avondale.
Kathy, Moses (our Regional Coordinator), and Sally in Zambian Chitenge, gifts from the women at WOW Conference in Avondale.
Time of worship and dancing
Time of worship and dancing

Pictures from our home visits as we walked through the Avondale Community.
Sandy at the home of one of the ladies we prayed with in Avondale
One of the children playing with an old tire
Precious child watching us

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Conference Day 3: Extra Special Blessings

Today was the last day of our first conference, and the day we are to say our goodbyes to the women we have made friends with here in Chongwe Zambia.  What a special treat we had when we arrived at the conference this morning by all the women greeting us in song at the bus.  I wish I could begin to find words for the beautiful melodies and voices of these Zambian women.  How special we all felt to be greeted in such a manner.  It certainly set the tone for the morning.

Our friend Mercy, who is the Project Director for Horizon in Chongwe, shared her personal story with us today and how God brought her, an orphan herself, to Horizon.
Mercy sharing her testimony

Then our leader Sandy, spoke on putting on the armor of God, complete with a model for each of the pieces of armor.  We all laughed as she had women come up and shoot the fiery darts with a play bow and arrow set at the shield of faith.  They were asked to call out some of those fiery darts coming at them and then shoot the arrows at the shield.  The women all got a chuckle but the point was well made.  

Sandy in her talk on Armor of God - the shield of faith that extinguishes the flaming arrows of the evil one
 Ephesians 6:10-18
Then we proceeded to call up each team of women and to present each woman with a New Testament in their language.  I only wish you could have heard the cheers from the women when they heard that news.  What a precious gift they are receiving. Thank you to those who helped make this possible for the women!  The women are blessed and excited to each be receiving their own Bible.

Kathy with her Ladies in Chongwe

Sandy distributing Bibles to her Ladies
After our presentation to each of our team of women our team was called up front as each of the tribes in attendance wanted to present a gift to us.  Oh my goodness, what a humbling blessing that was as each of these women put in what little they had to purchase each of us a gift.  It reminds me of the story of the widow's offering in Mark12:41-44 where the widow put every bit she had into the offering.  Jesus used that as a teaching moment for the disciples and said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.  They all gave out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty, put in everything - all she had to live on."  What a humbling moment to stand there as each tribe danced and sang their way to us presenting their gifts many given with an offering of all they have.

First tribe presenting their gift of thanks to each of our team

The day once again closed in song and dance.  Oh how I love these great Women of Worth as they celebrate before The Lord despite their circumstances.  It is hard to say goodbye to our new friends, but instead we prefer to not to say goodbye but "see you later".

Some of the Chongwe ladies singing and dancing before the Lord

Conference Day 2: One of the Least of These

It is day 2 of the conference and a jam packed day at that.  Last night I was up late modifying my talk as there are 8 who are to speak today, plus a drama, and a little dancing fun.  Let's just say that makes for a LONG day.  After our morning speakers we broke into our discussion groups to talk to the ladies.  My group combined with another as we were short on interpreters.  I was so proud of the women in my group as many of them began to speak out today.  What I heard was heart wrenching when they we're answering a question from one of the talks , which asked if they have any problems they can't solve.  One of the older women, Eunice shared how she really didn't know what to do as she has lost all 8 of her children and is caring for all of her grandchildren and now they are dying.  In fact she just buried one of her grandchildren a few days ago.   She wanted to know what to do.  How do you even respond to such pain and despair?  As I sat there listening to 3 of my ladies talk about losing their children and yet see there precious smiles it really made me stop and reflect.  How much pain, and heartache they have had to endure.  How do they do it?  How do they press on?  What I heard over and over in not so many words was with the help of The Lord.

Precious children at the conference

Oh, how blessed we are in America with access to so many resources to help us whether we are faced with illnesses, loss of jobs, no food for our tables, divorce, whatever the struggle may be there are almost always options available to help.  However, here in Zambia, in the area we are working, that is not the case.  Many are hungry, and the basic necessities aren't even available for them.  So it was even harder to watch as many of the little children of the women at the conference are here too.  One little boy was giving me smiles all day as I looked at him in his dirty tattered pajama top and bottoms that he has worn for the last 2 days quietly sitting with his grandmother.  I am reminded of the verse in Matthew 25:45 "I tell you the truth whatever you did not do for one of the least of these you did not do for me."

Stella with her grandson