Saturday, November 2, 2013

Faces and Landscapes of Zambia and South Africa

First of all I want to say thank you to so many on my team who helped to capture some of those special moments and faces during our time in Zambia and South Africa.  As you have so often heard before a picture is worth a thousand words, so I hope you enjoy this brief glimpse into the precious faces of  our Zambian and South African friends as well as some of the beauty of Africa in the video links below. 

On the end of our journey we had the opportunity to visit a game preserve and experience some of the animals in their natural habitat.  I must say it was simply amazing - unlike anything you would see in the zoo.  There is no other way to describe it other than to say it is simply different to experience these animals in their own habitat.  We were very blessed to have the opportunity to see and experience the mighty lion.  It was unbelievable to experience the true power and might behind the roar of the lion, especially since he was within 50 feet of us!  Sure glad he had a belly full of giraffe!  It certainly gives a whole new perspective to the verse from 1 Peter 5:8 "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devor."  The journey is not complete, in fact it has only begun.  God is always at work revealing his purpose and plan.  I have come to know that no matter where you are you must always remain alert, seek God first, and stay in his Word!  As the verse in 1 Peter says the enemy is always prowling, so I'm not sure about you but I certainly want to stay close to my protector!  May you stand in faith as you press forward to finish the race.

As I look through all the pictures of this journey to Zambia and South Africa, read teammates Facebook updates about the trip, watch video clips from the team, and process all that God has ahead I am reminded to invite you along.  Will you join me in reaching out and touching the lives of women and children in Africa?  If you really want to  experience all the wonderful blessings you simply must go.  As I've heard Doug, my friend and brother in Christ say many times...."If you wanna know you gotta go!"  Amen to that - no words can fully describe all that God will reveal when you experience the mighty hand of God at work firsthand!

Video Link:  Faces of Zambia

Video Link:  Faces of South Africa 

Video Link:  Landscapes of Zambia and South Africa

Fascinating animal - no wonder I love giraffes!

Good thing Hunter had a full belly!